Looker - Reviews, Pricing, Features | Business Intelligence Tool

Looker is a dynamic business intelligence tool that provides a user-friendly interface for data analysis and customizable dashboards for in-depth insights. With support for various data sources, both cloud-based and on-premises, Looker offers flexibility and power to businesses of all sizes.

Discover the potential of Looker to revolutionize your data analysis process and enhance your business intelligence capabilities. Make informed decisions, gain powerful insights, and drive your business forward with Looker.

  • User-friendly interface for data analysis
  • Customizable dashboards for in-depth insights
  • Support for various cloud-based and on-premises data sources

Looker Screenshot


Looker offers flexible pricing plans suited for businesses of all sizes. Whether you're a startup or a large enterprise, Looker has a plan that fits your budget and needs.


Discover what users are saying about Looker. Learn from real-world experiences and make an informed decision for your business intelligence needs.


Explore the powerful features of Looker that can revolutionize the way you analyze and visualize data. From data preparation to advanced analytics, Looker has you covered.


Find out how Looker can streamline your data analysis process and enhance your business intelligence capabilities. Uncover the potential that Looker holds for your organization.


Learn about the tangible benefits that Looker can bring to your business. From improved decision-making to enhanced operational efficiency, Looker offers a range of advantages.