KNIME - User Reviews, Pricing & Key Features

KNIME is an open-source application that offers an intuitive interface, advanced data processing capabilities, and extensive support for machine learning and visualizations, making it a powerful choice for businesses and independent data professionals.

With cross-industry applicability and a strong emphasis on security and user support, KNIME is a versatile tool for optimizing data-driven decision-making processes.

  • User-friendly interface for creating data analysis workflows
  • Open-source platform with a wide range of integrations and extensions
  • Advanced capabilities for data processing, visualization, and machine learning

KNIME Screenshot


When it comes to pricing, KNIME offers a flexible and scalable model, catering to the needs of both small businesses and enterprise-level organizations.


Users praise KNIME for its intuitive interface, robust functionality, and extensive support for various data analytics tasks. The open-source nature of the platform also receives accolades from the community.


KNIME provides a comprehensive set of features, including data blending, interactive visualizations, predictive analytics, and seamless integration with popular data science libraries.


KNIME places a strong emphasis on data security, offering robust encryption and access controls to ensure the confidentiality and integrity of sensitive information.


Users benefit from a responsive support team and an active community forum, providing assistance, resources, and best practices for leveraging KNIME effectively.