Amazon ELB (Elastic Load Balancer) Reviews: Pros, Cons, and Features

Amazon ELB (Elastic Load Balancer) is a powerful tool for distributing network traffic, providing high availability, and ensuring secure application delivery. With features such as automatic scaling and real-time monitoring, it offers a reliable solution for load balancing needs.

Whether you are running a business or managing independent projects, Amazon ELB can optimize your application's performance and scalability in the cloud environment.

  • Automatic distribution of incoming application traffic across multiple targets and virtual appliances
  • High availability and automatic scaling for applications
  • Integrated SSL/TLS termination and certificate management for secure applications

Amazon ELB (Elastic Load Balancer) Screenshot


Amazon ELB offers a range of pricing options based on usage, providing flexibility for different application needs.


Businesses and independent users have praised Amazon ELB for its seamless load balancing capabilities and robust performance.


The features of Amazon ELB include application scalability, SSL/TLS termination, automatic scaling, and real-time health and performance monitoring.


Amazon ELB is known for its reliability in managing network traffic and ensuring consistent performance for applications.


Amazon ELB seamlessly integrates with AWS services and offers flexibility for various load balancing configurations.