Right Capital - Reviews, Pricing, and Features 2022

Right Capital is a powerful financial planning solution designed for financial advisors to differentiate asset values, create simple plans, and empower themselves to meet diverse planning needs. The software also enables advisors to demonstrate tax-efficient distribution strategies and protect clients from financial disability or death.

With thousands of advisors already benefiting from Right Capital, it is the go-to platform for growing, maintaining, and expanding financial advisory businesses globally.

  • Differentiate asset value for more clients
  • Create simple plans in minutes
  • Empower advisors to meet planning needs
  • Demonstrate tax-efficient distribution strategies

Right Capital Screenshot


Right Capital offers a customized pricing model based on individual business needs. Contact Right Capital for a personalized quote.


Financial advisors worldwide have praised Right Capital for its intuitive interface and comprehensive financial planning tools. The solution has enabled advisors to streamline their planning processes and provide tailored plans to their clients.


Right Capital provides a range of features, including tax-efficient distribution strategies, disability and death protection, needs evaluation, and student loan module for reduced payments. The platform empowers financial advisors to create efficient and personalized financial plans for their clients.


Right Capital is a game-changer for financial advisors, offering advanced tools to streamline planning processes and provide high-quality services to clients.


Right Capital's functionality includes the ability to demonstrate tax-efficient distribution strategies, evaluate clients' needs, and provide personalized financial plans. The solution empowers financial advisors to optimize clients' financial success.