Markboard Review: Pros, Cons, and Features | User Ratings

Markboard is a free and intuitive standards-based assessment tool that integrates seamlessly with a companion planning tool, offering time-saving grading features and an efficient workflow.

With its user-friendly interface and seamless integration with planning tools, Markboard is a valuable resource for educators seeking to streamline grading and assessment tasks.

  • Intuitive and user-friendly interface
  • Seamless integration with planning tool
  • Standards-based assessment
  • Time-saving grading features

Markboard Screenshot


Markboard offers a free standards-based assessment tool that integrates seamlessly with its companion planning tool for a streamlined workflow.


Users appreciate Markboard's intuitive interface, time-saving grading features, and seamless integration with planning tools.


Markboard offers a standards-based assessment tool that allows for easy alignment of assignments and outcomes with Common Core standards, as well as student-facing goal-setting and tracking.


Markboard provides a user-friendly experience for teachers to easily manage grading and track student progress, ultimately saving time and improving workflow efficiency. The tool also offers seamless integration with planning tools to improve the feedback process.


With its intuitive interface and seamless integration with planning tools, Markboard provides a user-friendly experience, allowing educators to efficiently manage grading and assessment tasks.