Fiserv Unified Wealth Management - Reviews, Features & Pricing

Fiserv Unified Wealth Management is a comprehensive financial planning solution that empowers financial advisors and their clients to achieve financial success. It offers tax-efficient distribution strategies, a unique student loan module, and tailored financial planning services.

  • Comprehensive financial planning solutions for financial advisors
  • Empowers clients to make informed decisions for financial success
  • Supports tax-efficient distribution strategies and student loan module

Fiserv Unified Wealth Management Screenshot


When it comes to pricing, Fiserv Unified Wealth Management offers a tailored quote based on your specific requirements and business needs.


Clients have praised the extensive financial planning solutions and the empowering features that Fiserv Unified Wealth Management provides. The platform is highly regarded for its ability to help clients achieve financial success.


Fiserv Unified Wealth Management offers a range of features including comprehensive financial planning solutions, tax-efficient distribution strategies, and a unique student loan module to support clients in making informed financial decisions. Additionally, the platform enables financial advisors to differentiate their asset value, create simple plans, and evolve with the planning needs of the investment industry.


Fiserv Unified Wealth Management stands out as a comprehensive and empowering financial planning solution for both financial advisors and their clients. The platform's unique features and tailored approach make it a valuable asset for achieving financial success.


Fiserv Unified Wealth Management excels in providing comprehensive financial planning solutions, empowering clients to make informed decisions, and supporting tax-efficient distribution strategies. The platform's functionality is designed to meet the evolving planning needs of the investment industry.