Axcient x360Recover: Reviews, Pricing, Features | 2024 Best BCDR Solution

Axcient x360Recover is the most reliable, secure, and cost-effective BCDR solution designed exclusively for MSPs. With comprehensive data protection, disaster recovery, archiving, and test/dev functionalities, Axcient x360Recover ensures MSPs can protect client business data with confidence.

Discover the flexibility and unparalleled reliability of Axcient x360Recover, tailored to meet the unique needs of MSPs and provide peace of mind in business continuity and disaster recovery.

  • Comprehensive BCDR solution for MSPs
  • Reliable and secure data protection
  • Cost-effective deployment options

Axcient x360Recover Screenshot


When considering Axcient x360Recover, the pricing structure is tailored to fit the needs of MSPs, offering flexible deployment options and cost-effective solutions.


Customer reviews of Axcient x360Recover consistently highlight its reliability, ease of use, and comprehensive BCDR capabilities, making it a top choice for MSPs.


Axcient x360Recover boasts a wide range of features, including data protection, disaster recovery, archiving, and test/dev functionalities, all designed to meet the unique needs of MSPs and ensure comprehensive business continuity.


The functionality of Axcient x360Recover is unmatched, providing MSPs with the tools they need to protect client business data, ensuring a reliable and secure BCDR solution.


Implementing Axcient x360Recover offers a multitude of benefits, including increased data security, minimized downtime, and peace of mind for MSPs and their clients.