QuizStar Online Exam Maker Reviews and Features

QuizStar is an advanced online exam creation tool designed to meet the needs of educators, trainers, and coaches. With a wide range of question types, mobile adaptability, and robust security features, QuizStar elevates the exam creation and administration process.

Discover the power of QuizStar in simplifying exam creation, enhancing user experience, and ensuring exam integrity.

  • Wide variety of question types including multiple choice, true or false, and innovative drag-and-drop
  • Mobile-friendly platform for easy access and usage on smartphones and tablets
  • Advanced security settings to prevent cheating and ensure exam integrity

QuizStar Screenshot


QuizStar offers a range of pricing plans to cater to different user needs, with a free version available for beginners to try out.


Users have praised QuizStar for its intuitive interface, robust features, and high level of security, making it a top choice for online exam creation.


QuizStar provides a comprehensive set of features including question bank creation, candidate management, automatic scoring and reporting, live identity verification, and monetization options.


Find answers to common questions about online exam creation and management with QuizStar, including user access, cheating prevention, result analysis, and integration with other educational tools.

User Testimonials

Hear from teachers and trainers about their experiences using QuizStar, and how it has improved their exam creation and administration process.