Personyze - Reviews, Features, Pricing | Boost Your Website Personalization

Discover the power of Personyze, a comprehensive personalization solution that leverages machine learning and behavioral targeting to optimize user experiences and increase conversion rates. With a recommendation engine, A/B testing, and seamless API integrations, Personyze is the ultimate tool for enhancing website personalization.

Personyze offers a dynamic cross-channel experience that engages and converts visitors, providing a range of features to cater to different industries, along with smooth APIs and popular platform integrations for seamless implementation.

  • Comprehensive personalization solution using machine learning and behavioral targeting
  • Dynamic cross-channel experiences that engage and convert
  • Recommendation engine with algorithm for different industries
  • APIs and integrations with popular platforms for smooth implementation

Personyze Screenshot


Gain access to the most comprehensive personalization solution on the market with flexible pricing options that cater to your business needs.


Experience the power of dynamic website personalization through the eyes of satisfied customers who have seen increased engagement and conversion rates.


Discover a range of cutting-edge features including recommendation engines, email personalization, A/B testing, dynamic landing pages, and more, all designed to enhance your website personalization strategy.


Understand how Personyze leverages API and integrations to deliver a seamless and robust personalization engine that adapts to every visitor in real-time, harnessing the power of your data for effective user engagement.


Notre solution de personnalisation de sites web dynamique, basée sur l'apprentissage automatique et le ciblage comportemental, vous permet d'optimiser l'expérience utilisateur de votre site pour augmenter les taux de conversion.