Little Hotelier - Reviews, Features & Pricing 2024

Little Hotelier is a comprehensive hotel management software offering robust channel management, intuitive interface, powerful reporting tools, and seamless integrations.

Designed to streamline hotel operations, increase direct bookings, and enhance the guest experience.

  • Robust channel management system for optimizing room occupancy and rates
  • Intuitive and user-friendly interface for easy navigation
  • Comprehensive reporting and analytics tools for data-driven decision making

Little Hotelier Screenshot


Little Hotelier offers competitive pricing plans to suit the needs of small independent hotels as well as larger hotel groups. The pricing is transparent and flexible, allowing users to pay only for the features they require.


Users praise Little Hotelier for its seamless integration with various booking channels, efficient management of room inventory, and responsive customer support. The software has garnered positive reviews for its ability to increase direct bookings and overall revenue.


Little Hotelier boasts a robust set of features, including efficient channel management, intuitive reservation management, powerful rate management, seamless integrations, and comprehensive reporting and analytics tools. The software is designed to streamline hotel operations and enhance the guest experience.


Little Hotelier seamlessly integrates with popular OTAs, property management systems, and other hospitality software, providing users with a unified platform to manage all aspects of their hotel business.


Little Hotelier provides extensive support resources, including onboarding assistance, training materials, and responsive customer support to ensure a smooth implementation and ongoing use of the software.