Keeper - Reviews, Pricing, Features

Keeper offers a robust and secure solution for managing passwords and sensitive information. With its user-friendly interface, cross-device accessibility, and advanced password generation features, Keeper is a top choice for individuals and businesses looking to enhance their digital security.

Experience peace of mind with Keeper's reliable password management solution that prioritizes user security and convenience.

  • Secure password storage
  • User-friendly interface
  • Cross-device accessibility
  • Password generation and sharing features

Keeper Screenshot


Learn about the competitive pricing plans offered by Keeper, designed for individuals as well as businesses.


Discover what users have to say about Keeper and how it has helped them improve their password management practices.


Explore the powerful features of Keeper, including secure password storage, multi-factor authentication, and password sharing options.


Find out how Keeper ensures the utmost security for your sensitive data, protecting against unauthorized access and data breaches.


Learn about the seamless integration capabilities of Keeper with various platforms and devices, ensuring a smooth user experience.