Evalato - Best Contest Software 2024 - Customer Reviews

Evalato is a powerful contest management platform designed to streamline the process of organizing and running competitions on websites and social media. With its user-friendly interface, customizable branding options, and effective submission and evaluation management, Evalato delivers a seamless and professional contest management experience.

  • User-friendly interface for seamless contest organization
  • Effective management of submissions and evaluations
  • Customizable branding for a professional look

Evalato Screenshot


Evalato offers competitive pricing plans tailored to meet the needs of businesses and individuals, providing flexibility and value.


Discover what users are saying about Evalato and how it has enhanced their contest management experience, providing insights into its performance and benefits.


Evalato boasts a robust set of features, including entry management, rewards management, and promotional tools, empowering users to create engaging and successful contests.


With its intuitive design and comprehensive functionality, Evalato simplifies contest management tasks, streamlining the process and increasing efficiency for organizers and participants alike.


Evalato's seamless integration capabilities allow for easy implementation with existing systems and workflows, ensuring a smooth and cohesive experience for users.