Cube - Reviews, Features, Pricing

Cube is a cutting-edge data protection and privacy management platform designed to provide organizations with advanced security features and streamlined compliance management. With a user-friendly interface and robust privacy capabilities, Cube offers a comprehensive solution for safeguarding sensitive data.

Its advanced functionality, transparent pricing, and positive user reviews make Cube a top choice for businesses seeking a reliable data protection solution.

  • Advanced data protection features
  • User-friendly interface
  • Comprehensive privacy management capabilities

Cube Screenshot


When it comes to pricing, Cube offers flexible subscription plans tailored to the specific needs of businesses of all sizes. The transparent pricing model ensures cost-effectiveness and scalability.


Users have praised Cube for its robust security measures, seamless data discovery, and compliance management features. The platform has garnered favorable reviews for its effectiveness in addressing data privacy concerns.


Cube boasts a wide range of features, including GDPR compliance, access controls, data discovery, data mapping, and activity dashboard. Its comprehensive functionality ensures that organizations can effectively manage and protect sensitive data.