Crossplane - Reviews, Features, Pricing 2024

Crossplane is the leading infrastructure control plane framework designed to orchestrate applications and infrastructure across multiple cloud providers. With a highly extensible backend and configurable frontend, Crossplane puts you in control of building a platform tailored to your unique orchestration needs.

Discover the latest reviews, features, and pricing of Crossplane, the cost-effective and reliable solution for managing and orchestrating applications and infrastructure.

  • Highly extensible backend for orchestrating applications and infrastructure
  • Highly configurable frontend for defining declarative APIs
  • Designed for extension with Providers and Configurations
  • Puts you in control of building a platform tailored to your unique orchestration needs

Crossplane Screenshot


As an open-source project, Crossplane offers a cost-effective solution for managing and orchestrating applications and infrastructure without the need for expensive proprietary tools.


Crossplane is designed with a highly extensible backend that enables organizations to orchestrate applications and infrastructure across different cloud providers. Its configurable frontend allows for the definition of a declarative API, giving users full control over their platform. The framework is also designed for extension through Providers and Configurations, putting users in complete control of building a platform tailored to their unique orchestration needs.


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In conclusion, Crossplane offers a highly extensible and configurable control plane framework, empowering organizations to orchestrate applications and infrastructure across multiple cloud providers with ease and control.