Cisco Secure Access by Duo - Reviews, Features, and Pricing

Cisco Secure Access by Duo is a powerful cloud-hosted SAML 2.0 identity solution that enables secure two-factor authentication and access policy enforcement for third-party applications, ensuring a seamless and intuitive single sign-on experience.

The platform supports multiple authentication methods and provides customizable granular access policies, making it an ideal choice for organizations looking to streamline and tighten account security.

  • Secure cloud-hosted SAML 2.0 identity solution
  • Supports multiple authentication methods including FIDO passkeys and Duo Push
  • Customizable granular access policies

Cisco Secure Access by Duo Screenshot


Cisco Secure Access by Duo offers competitive pricing options suitable for organizations of any size, providing flexibility and scalability in authentication and access management.


Users praise the platform for its ease of use and comprehensive authentication features, making it a top choice for organizations looking for a seamless and intuitive single sign-on experience.


The platform supports multiple authentication methods, including FIDO passkeys, security keys, and Duo Push, allowing organizations to customize granular access policies at an application level. It also provides a risk score for each login based on contextual factors, ensuring secure access with minimal disruption for end users.


Cisco Secure Access by Duo streamlines the authentication process for end users, providing a secure and convenient single sign-on experience. Admins can easily manage user access and applications, enforce multi-factor authentication policies, and configure adaptive and risk-based policies based on contextual login data.


The platform is fully cloud-based, making it easy to deploy and scale with organizations of any size. It also offers seamless integration with other identity providers and comprehensive auditing capabilities.