Bidsketch Reviews 2024: Privacy-First Analytics Alternative

Bidsketch is the top choice for businesses looking for a privacy-first alternative to web analytics software. With quick setup, GDPR compliance, and accurate data tracking, it's the go-to solution for protecting your website's analytics data.

Join the movement and switch to Bidsketch for better privacy protection and reliable, accurate stats.

  • Privacy-first analytics software
  • Quick and easy setup
  • Fully compliant with privacy laws

Bidsketch Screenshot


When it comes to pricing, Bidsketch offers affordable plans to suit businesses of all sizes. Whether you're a startup or an enterprise, there's a plan that fits your needs.


Businesses and independent professionals alike are raving about Bidsketch. The simple interface and accurate stats make it a top choice for website analytics.


Bidsketch provides essential features such as accurate data tracking, GDPR compliance, and lightweight script for seamless integration.

How Bidsketch Works

With Bidsketch, you can track conversions, receive email reports, and integrate with a wide range of tools to streamline your analytics process.

Trusted by Thousands

Join the thousands of companies and professionals who have already switched to Bidsketch for better privacy protection and accurate analytics.