Zoho Connect Review: Best Intranet Software 2023, Pricing, Features

Zoho Connect is a comprehensive intranet software designed to streamline internal communication and collaboration for businesses and independent professionals. This secure and easy-to-use platform offers a range of features to enhance team cohesion and improve information flow.

With Zoho Connect, businesses can centralize internal resources, provide a dedicated portal for internal news, and create a seamless workflow for improved productivity and efficiency.

  • Streamlined communication and collaboration
  • Secure and private network for internal information exchange
  • Integration with other Zoho applications for seamless workflow

Zoho Connect Screenshot


When it comes to choosing the right intranet software for your business, pricing is a significant factor. Zoho Connect offers competitive pricing plans tailored to suit various business sizes and needs.


Businesses and independent professionals have praised Zoho Connect for its user-friendly interface, robust features, and exceptional customer support. The positive reviews highlight the impact of Zoho Connect on improving internal communication and team collaboration.


Zoho Connect is packed with essential features such as centralizing internal resources, providing a portal for internal news and events, and multi-domain accessibility without the need for email, making it an ideal choice for businesses seeking an efficient internal communication platform. The platform also offers comprehensive support and user assistance.


With Zoho Connect, businesses can expect improved communication, enhanced team cohesion, and efficient information flow. The platform's user-friendly interface and versatile features make it a valuable tool for streamlining internal processes and fostering teamwork.


Zoho Connect seamlessly integrates with other Zoho applications, creating a unified ecosystem and enhancing overall productivity and efficiency.