Yext Reviews 2024 | Discover the Best Local Locator Tool

Yext is a powerful and user-friendly local location management tool that provides accurate distance calculations, geolocation, and customizable branding options. Its intuitive interface and robust features make it a valuable asset for businesses looking to enhance their online visibility and manage multiple locations effectively.

With Yext, you can streamline the process of managing and optimizing your business locations, ensuring accurate and consistent information across various online platforms.

  • Intuitive and user-friendly interface for easy location management
  • Robust features for accurate distance calculation and geolocation
  • Customizable branding options to align with your brand identity

Yext Screenshot


Yext offers flexible pricing models to match your business needs, including fixed-rate and per-user options.


Businesses praise Yext for its comprehensive reporting and analytics features, making it a valuable tool for improving local search visibility.


With Yext, you can benefit from advanced functionalities such as automatic location detection, website integration, and multi-location support, all designed to enhance your business's online presence.


Yext provides a seamless solution for managing and optimizing your business locations across various online platforms, ensuring consistent and accurate information for customers.


Yext offers excellent customer support and training resources to help businesses make the most of the platform's capabilities.