YellowFolder Document Management Software - Reviews, Pricing & Features

YellowFolder provides an intuitive and secure document management solution designed for education records, offering the convenience of cloud-based access and significant cost savings. With live training sessions available, transitioning to a paperless system is made easy.

Experience a seamless transition to electronic storage, allowing quick and easy access to all your educational records while complying with the necessary security standards.

  • Efficient document management from creation to storage
  • Intuitive and simple to use filing system
  • Secure and compliant cloud-based storage

YellowFolder Screenshot


YellowFolder offers transparent, all-in-one pricing making it easy and affordable to go paperless. By switching to electronic storage, districts can save significant amounts of money currently spent on printing, file cabinets, and physical storage.


Discover what users have to say about YellowFolder's performance and how it has helped streamline their document management processes.


Explore the key features of YellowFolder, including access controls/permissions, collaboration tools, document generation, secure data storage, and more.

Live Training

Participate in a live training session to experience YellowFolder firsthand, ask questions, and see the software in action.


Learn how YellowFolder can enable your district to transition to a completely cloud-based document management system in less than a week, saving time and resources.