xtraCHEF: Find out why businesses love this food service management software

xtraCHEF is a comprehensive food service management software that streamlines vital processes through automated inspections and compliance checks, monitors inventory in real time, and offers customizable checklists for various purposes. With a starting price of $149 per month and seamless integration capabilities, xtraCHEF is a valuable asset for food and beverage service businesses.

  • Streamlines vital processes through automated inspections and compliance checks
  • Monitors inventory, employee activities, and customer orders in real time
  • Customized checklists for food quality inspections, customer feedback forms, and employee performance scorecards

xtraCHEF Screenshot


The pricing for xtraCHEF starts at $149 per month with a free demo available. This provides businesses with an accessible entry point to experience the benefits of the software.


Businesses in the food and beverage sector, both large and small, have expressed satisfaction with xtraCHEF due to its ability to streamline processes and enhance productivity.


xtraCHEF offers features such as automated inspections, compliance checks, real-time monitoring of inventory and employee activities, and customizable checklists for various purposes. These functionalities contribute to improved efficiency and performance for food service businesses.


xtraCHEF integrates seamlessly with various systems, enabling businesses to harness the benefits of the software while maintaining compatibility with their existing infrastructure. This enhances the overall operational efficiency and effectiveness.


Businesses using xtraCHEF appreciate the responsive support provided by the company, ensuring that any queries or issues are promptly addressed, contributing to a positive user experience.