Wall Bracket for 1-3 Tools: Reviews, Pricing, and Features

The Wall Bracket for 1-3 Tools offers a versatile and durable solution for storing cleaning equipment in a color-coded program. Made from FDA compliant polypropylene material, this bracket securely holds equipment in place, contributing to a hygienic and organized workspace.

  • Adjustable to fit any color-coded program
  • Can be extended by mounting multiple brackets together
  • Durable polypropylene material

Wall Bracket for 1-3 tools Screenshot


The Wall Bracket for 1-3 Tools offers a cost-effective solution for organizing and storing cleaning equipment in a color-coded program.


Users of the Wall Bracket for 1-3 Tools have praised its versatility and durability, making it an essential tool for maintaining a well-organized workspace.


Designed with FDA compliant material, this bracket securely holds equipment in place, providing a safe and efficient storage solution.


The Wall Bracket for 1-3 Tools adapts to custom storage needs and is ideal for maintaining a hygienic environment in a variety of facilities.


Constructed from polypropylene, this blue bracket measures 6.1 x 3.1 x 2.4 inches, suitable for storing equipment in a range of applications.