VoxVote: Reviews, Pricing and Features - 2024 Top Online Voting System

VoxVote is a free and easy-to-use mobile voting app, offering real-time voting for live and video stream events. With enhanced security and voter anonymity, VoxVote is the ideal solution for engaging your audience in interactive and inclusive voting experiences.

  • Free and easy to use mobile voting app
  • Real-time voting with live and video stream events
  • Enhanced security and voter anonymity

VoxVote Screenshot


When it comes to online voting, VoxVote offers a cost-effective solution for engaging your audience in real-time voting. The platform is budget-friendly and provides value for both small and large events.


Users have praised VoxVote for its user-friendly interface and seamless voting experience. The app has received positive feedback for its reliability and ease of use, making it an ideal choice for various types of events.


VoxVote is packed with features that make it stand out as a top online voting system. From real-time voting and voter alerts to enhanced security and result accessibility, the app caters to the diverse needs of event organizers.

User Outreach

With VoxVote, event organizers can effectively reach out to a wider audience and boost voter turnout. The platform simplifies the registration and voting process, making it accessible to a larger group of participants.


VoxVote encourages audience engagement by providing a seamless and secure platform for live and video stream events. The app's interactive features and streamlined voting process foster a sense of inclusivity and participation among the audience.