Upland Localytics Reviews 2024 | Mobile App Analytics Tool

Upland Localytics is a leading mobile app analytics tool that offers comprehensive sessions and events tracking, powerful attribution and uninstall tracking capabilities, and cloud support for data accessibility and scalability.

Empower your business with valuable insights into user behavior and drive app success with Upland Localytics.

  • Comprehensive sessions and events tracking
  • Powerful attribution and uninstall tracking capabilities
  • Cloud support for data accessibility and scalability

Upland Localytics Screenshot


Upland Localytics offers flexible pricing plans to suit the needs of businesses of all sizes. Whether you are a startup or an established enterprise, there's a plan tailored for you.


Users praise Upland Localytics for its robust features that provide in-depth insights into user behavior, allowing for targeted optimizations and improvements.


Upland Localytics provides a range of features including comprehensive sessions and events tracking, powerful attribution and uninstall tracking capabilities, cloud support for data accessibility and scalability, and more.


With Upland Localytics, businesses can gain valuable insights into user behavior and take data-driven actions to optimize their mobile apps for enhanced performance and user experience. The tool empowers businesses to make informed decisions and drive app success.


By leveraging Upland Localytics, businesses can enhance user experience, boost engagement, improve retention rates, and gain a competitive edge in the app market.