Best Behavioral Targeting Software in 2024 | Twik - Reviews & Analysis

Twik is an advanced behavioral targeting software that leverages AI technology to empower businesses with comprehensive marketing and advertising capabilities. With its intuitive audience building and data enrichment, Twik is the go-to choice for businesses seeking effective and targeted marketing solutions.

  • AI-driven automation for targeted marketing
  • Comprehensive data enrichment and management
  • Intuitive audience building for effective advertising

Twik Screenshot


Twik offers flexible pricing plans tailored to meet the specific needs of businesses, ensuring cost-effectiveness and value.


Users rave about Twik's seamless integration, advanced targeting capabilities, and AI-powered features, making it a standout choice for businesses looking to enhance their marketing efforts.


Twik's features include advanced AI-enabled email assistants, predictive analytics, and pipeline intelligence, ensuring that businesses have the tools to thrive in the competitive marketing landscape.

Audience Intelligence

Gain valuable insights into customer behavior and preferences, allowing for targeted and personalized marketing strategies that yield higher engagement and conversions.

Adaptive Advertising

Twik empowers businesses to create adaptive and personalized advertising campaigns, optimizing customer engagement and driving revenue.