Certification and Training: Reviews, Pricing, Features

Our certification and training application offers a privacy-first, easy-to-use solution designed to comply with privacy laws and provide accurate data. Experience the benefits of quick setup and reliable insights for your training and certification needs.

Join the movement of companies and individuals who have switched to our application for simplified, compliance-focused training and certification analytics.

  • Privacy-first analytics alternative to Google Analytics
  • Quick setup with no training required
  • Compliance with privacy laws such as GDPR and CCPA
  • Accurate, real-time data without spam traffic

Training and certification Screenshot


Our certification and training application offers competitive pricing plans tailored to your needs. Contact us to get a personalized quote.


Discover what users are saying about our training and certification application. Hear from industry professionals and decision-makers who have benefited from our solution.


Explore the powerful features of our certification and training application, designed to streamline your learning and development process. From tracking conversions to sending email reports, we have you covered.


Experience the advantages of using our certification and training application, including enhanced data privacy, ease of use, and reliable insights for informed decision-making. Join the thousands of satisfied users today.


Get dedicated support and guidance from our team to maximize the benefits of our certification and training application. We're here to help you succeed in your training and certification initiatives.