Best Thunkable App Builder Reviews 2021 - Create Apps without Coding

Thunkable is an innovative app builder that empowers users to create mobile apps for iOS, Android, and web without the need for coding knowledge. With its intuitive drag-and-drop interface, seamless integrations, and quick publishing capabilities, Thunkable is the ultimate solution for individuals, startups, and enterprises to bring their app ideas to life.

Whether you're a startup, entrepreneur, or educator, Thunkable offers the tools and functionality to transform your app vision into a reality, making it a valuable platform for app development and deployment.

  • Intuitive drag-and-drop interface for easy app development
  • Natively produce mobile apps for iOS, Android, and web
  • Seamless integration with third-party tools and APIs
  • Quick and easy publishing to app marketplaces

Thunkable Screenshot


Thunkable offers various pricing plans suitable for individuals, startups, and enterprises. The free plan allows users to explore the platform's potential, while the paid plans unlock advanced features and capabilities to meet diverse business needs.


Users praise Thunkable for its user-friendly interface, robust functionality, and seamless app deployment process. The platform's ability to create high-quality mobile apps without coding has garnered positive feedback from businesses and entrepreneurs.


With a wide range of design components, animations, and logic blocks, Thunkable empowers users to bring their app ideas to life effortlessly. Its native app creation capabilities and seamless publishing make it an ideal choice for app developers of all levels. The platform's versatile integrations with third-party tools further enhance its functionality, enabling users to extend their app's capabilities.


Thunkable offers an intuitive visual designer, enabling users to create custom and fully functional mobile apps without the need for coding. Its advanced logic capabilities and extensive library of design components allow for limitless app development possibilities, making it a powerful choice for startups, educational institutions, and product teams looking to build impressive mobile apps.


Thunkable's suite of integrations allows for seamless connection with third-party applications and databases, providing users with the flexibility to integrate their data quickly and easily. With more than 20 integrations, including options such as Airtable, Google Sheets, and Figma, Thunkable offers a versatile and streamlined platform for app development.