ThreatMetrix Reviews 2024 - Fraud Detection Software | SEON

Discover the power of ThreatMetrix, a cutting-edge fraud detection software designed to protect your business and customers from online fraud. With advanced machine learning and real-time risk scoring, ThreatMetrix offers seamless integration and flexible pricing options tailored to your specific needs.

Seamlessly integrate ThreatMetrix to reduce fraud rates in your business, leveraging real-time data enrichment and advanced APIs to stay ahead of online threats.

  • Advanced machine learning for accurate risk assessment
  • Real-time risk scoring to prevent online fraud
  • Flexible pricing options tailored to your business needs

ThreatMetrix Screenshot


ThreatMetrix offers flexible pricing plans designed to meet your specific business requirements. With a range of options, you can choose the best plan that aligns with your budget and fraud prevention needs.


Client testimonials consistently highlight the accuracy and effectiveness of ThreatMetrix in identifying and preventing online fraud. The seamless integration of machine learning and real-time risk scoring has proven to be a game-changer for businesses across various industries.


ThreatMetrix provides advanced features such as real-time data enrichment, powerful data analysis, and customizable risk rules. The platform seamlessly integrates into your existing security stack, offering hands-on assistance for smooth integration and optimal risk rule tuning.


ThreatMetrix stands out for its ability to deliver a comprehensive fraud prevention solution that includes device fingerprinting, AML monitoring, and digital profiling. The platform's whitebox machine learning offers transparency and flexibility, allowing businesses to adapt and refine their fraud prevention strategies.


With ThreatMetrix, integration is simplified, offering a smooth transition into your existing security infrastructure. The platform's customizable risk rules enable businesses to address specific pain points, while the machine learning solutions constantly analyze data to provide valuable insights for enhanced fraud prevention.