TheStack Swing Speed Trainer (Hardware + App Bundle) Review 2023

TheStack Swing Speed Trainer (Hardware + App Bundle) offers golfers a comprehensive training solution with dynamic speed training, guided workouts, and advanced tracking features, all geared towards improving clubhead speed and overall performance.

  • Dynamic speed training for improved clubhead speed
  • Guided workout timer for efficient training
  • Custom speed metrics to track progress

TheStack Swing Speed Trainer (Hardware + App Bundle) Screenshot


TheStack Swing Speed Trainer (Hardware + App Bundle) offers a comprehensive training system at a competitive price point, providing excellent value for golfers.


Golfers have lauded the effectiveness of TheStack Swing Speed Trainer, praising its ability to improve clubhead speed and enhance overall performance on the course.


The hardware and app bundle includes 5 milled Stack weights, a dual-purpose weight case, and a highly engineered training club in adult and junior versions. The dynamic speed training, guided workout timer, and voice entry technology make it an advanced training solution for golfers at all levels.


TheStack Swing Speed Trainer (Hardware + App Bundle) is designed to improve clubhead speed, providing golfers with the tools and guidance needed to enhance their performance and achieve their desired distance goals.


With its focus on dynamic speed training, guided workouts, and comprehensive tracking, TheStack Swing Speed Trainer (Hardware + App Bundle) empowers golfers to make tangible progress in their game, leading to improved confidence and on-course results.