Thales SafeNet Trusted Access - Reviews, Features, and Pricing

Thales SafeNet Trusted Access is a cloud-based solution that seamlessly integrates SSO, risk-based policies, and universal authentication methods, providing organizations with a broad range of multi-factor and modern authentication capabilities. It offers streamlined authentication and access management, making user access to cloud services as simple as possible while ensuring optimal security.

With its flexible scenario-based access policies and comprehensive view of access events, Thales SafeNet Trusted Access is well-suited for organizations seeking a robust and user-friendly identity and access management solution.

  • Integrated platform with seamless SSO and risk-based policies
  • Broad range of multi-factor and modern authentication capabilities
  • Flexible scenario-based access policies
  • Streamlined authentication and access management

Thales SafeNet Trusted Access Screenshot


Thales SafeNet Trusted Access offers a competitive pricing model, providing organizations with a cost-effective solution for their identity and access management needs.


Users praise Thales SafeNet Trusted Access for its robust authentication, ease of use, and straightforward implementation, making it a top choice for organizations seeking modern authentication capabilities that cater to diverse user needs.


Thales SafeNet Trusted Access boasts a broad range of multi-factor and modern authentication capabilities, flexible scenario-based access policies, and a streamlined authentication and access management process, making it an ideal solution for organizations looking to enhance their security and user convenience.

About Thales SafeNet Trusted Access

Thales SafeNet Trusted Access is a cloud-based solution that integrates SSO, risk-based policies, and universal authentication methods to provide organizations with a comprehensive and secure identity and access management platform. It offers a single pane view of access events across the app estate, providing clear insight and ensuring that the right individuals are afforded access to the right applications at the right time.


Thales SafeNet Trusted Access delivers a user-friendly and flexible approach to authentication and access management, catering to the diverse needs of organizations and empowering them to secure a wide range of user constituencies with a variety of authentication methods.