TeamKinetic: Reviews, Pricing, Features - 2021

TeamKinetic offers a robust and customizable volunteer management tool designed to streamline the recruitment, scheduling, and retention of volunteers. With intuitive features, seamless integration, and affordable pricing, TeamKinetic is the ideal solution for organizations of all sizes.

Efficiently manage volunteers, personalize outreach, and cultivate strong supporter relationships with TeamKinetic's user-friendly and scalable platform, tailored to meet the unique needs of nonprofit entities.

  • Streamlined volunteer management processes
  • Customizable reports for comprehensive volunteer information
  • Frictionless recruitment and scheduling workflows

TeamKinetic Screenshot


TeamKinetic offers flexible pricing options tailored to meet the needs of organizations of all sizes. With scalable pricing based on the number of volunteer records, TeamKinetic ensures affordability and accessibility for diverse nonprofit entities.


Organizations using TeamKinetic praise its intuitive user experience, which facilitates efficient volunteer management. The software's ability to customize settings and views, along with personalized outreach and community hub features, has garnered positive feedback.


TeamKinetic's volunteer management tool provides a simple and intuitive sign-up process, along with a mobile app for personalized outreach and a dashboard for volunteer self-serve options. The software's two-way sync of constituent profiles contributes to a centralized location for comprehensive supporter data.


TeamKinetic empowers organizations to reduce administrative time, optimize volunteer outreach, and enhance volunteer retention. The software's seamless integration with existing CRM systems ensures a cohesive approach to supporter interactions, ultimately fostering reliable support over time.


By leveraging TeamKinetic, nonprofits can streamline volunteer management, identify potential donors, and maintain strong relationships with their supporters. The software's comprehensive features and flexible user interface contribute to a more efficient and engaging volunteer experience.