TalentOZ Competency Management System: Reviews and Features

TalentOZ is a comprehensive HR software designed for small to large enterprises, offering a suite of solutions for web applications. With a focus on performance and compensation management, employee lifecycle management, and a self-service portal, TalentOz aims to streamline HR operations and enhance employee engagement.

  • Extensive competency frameworks for versatile competency management.
  • Consulting services provide valuable, customised insights.
  • Well-structured job descriptions aid in effective competency assurance.

TalentOZ Screenshot


TalentOZ offers a range of pricing plans suitable for businesses of all sizes, with options tailored to specific needs.


Explore customer reviews and experiences with TalentOZ, providing valuable insights into user satisfaction and performance.


Discover the key features of TalentOZ, including its focus on performance management, employee lifecycle management, and self-service portal.


Learn how TalentOZ streamlines HR operations and enhances employee engagement, offering efficient communication processes and powerful no-code customizations.


Uncover how TalentOZ enables increased employee productivity through concise business analytics, efficient self-service transactions, and readily available information for business leaders on the go.