Sunbird - Reviews, Pricing, Features | A Comprehensive Overview

Sunbird is a cloud-based data center management solution that offers professional and easy-to-use monitoring tools. With customizable installations and a range of pricing models, Sunbird provides tailored options for diverse infrastructure management needs.

Its comprehensive features include real-time monitoring, robust reporting and analytics, and an intuitive dashboard to ensure efficient data center management.

  • Easy-to-use and professional monitoring solution
  • Customizable installations tailored to specific needs
  • Cloud-based infrastructure management options

Sunbird Screenshot


Sunbird offers a range of pricing models to suit your specific requirements. From fixed rates to usage-based pricing, Sunbird provides flexible options to meet your budget and needs.


User feedback indicates high satisfaction with Sunbird's comprehensive monitoring capabilities, ease of use, and customizable features.


With a focus on real-time monitoring, robust reporting and analytics, and intuitive dashboard functionality, Sunbird offers a comprehensive suite of features for efficient data center management.