Streak - Reviews, Pricing, Features | Trusted CRM App

Streak offers a powerful yet user-friendly CRM solution designed to streamline contact management, enhance sales processes, and improve customer relationships. With seamless integration with Google Workspace, customizable workflows, and visual pipeline management, Streak is the go-to tool for businesses of all sizes.

Efficient task management and robust email marketing capabilities further solidify Streak's position as a leading CRM app, helping businesses boost sales and drive growth.

  • Seamless integration with Google Workspace for easy access and collaboration
  • Customizable workflows tailored to various use cases, from sales to project management
  • Visual pipeline management for clear, at-a-glance tracking of sales opportunities
  • Efficient task management and email marketing capabilities

Streak Screenshot


Streak offers competitive pricing plans tailored to the needs of businesses of all sizes, with flexible subscription options to suit individual requirements.


Users praise Streak for its user-friendly interface, extensive integration with Google Workspace, and robust features that enhance contact management and sales processes.


Streak provides a comprehensive set of features, including customizable pipelines, advanced email tracking, and intuitive collaboration tools, making it an ideal choice for businesses seeking a versatile CRM solution.


With Streak, users benefit from streamlined contact management, efficient sales tracking, and seamless email integration, resulting in improved productivity and enhanced customer relationships.


Streak empowers businesses with easy-to-implement contact management, intuitive sales processes, and effective email marketing, leading to increased efficiency and better customer engagement.