Spectora Inspection Software - Reviews & Features 2024

Spectora is a modern web-based building inspection software designed to simplify the process of creating comprehensive inspection reports and streamlining workflows for building inspectors.

With its user-friendly interface and robust feature set, Spectora is an ideal solution for professionals looking to enhance their inspection process and provide valuable insights to their clients.

  • User-friendly interface
  • Customizable inspection reports
  • Real-time data capture and storage

Spectora Screenshot


When considering a software solution like Spectora, it's important to evaluate the pricing plans and determine which one best fits your budget and needs.


Many users praise Spectora for its intuitive design and comprehensive features, making it a top choice for building inspection professionals.


Spectora offers a range of features including customizable inspection templates, photo integration, and automated report generation, streamlining the inspection process for users.


Spectora seamlessly integrates with various other software, providing a smooth experience for users who already utilize specific tools in their operations.


The customer support offered by Spectora is highly regarded, with responsive and knowledgeable assistance available to help users maximize their usage of the software.