Sonible Smart:comp 2 - Reviews, Features, Pricing

Sonible Smart:comp 2 is an AI-powered spectro-dynamic compressor that provides transparent, precise results and offers tools for creative dynamics shaping. With features like automatic parametrization, spectral compression, and sidechain ducking, it aims to deliver clean, well-balanced compression results that remain true to the input signal.

Equipped with AI-powered processing and versatile tools, Smart:comp 2 allows you to shape the dynamics of your tracks with precision and achieve distinctive sounds effortlessly.

  • AI-powered spectral compression for tonal and dynamic balance
  • Automatic parameterization with AI for precise results
  • Sidechain ducking abilities for clean, well-balanced compression
  • Versatile features for shaping dynamics and adding unique character to tracks

Sonible smart:comp 2 Screenshot


Sonible Smart:comp 2 is an AI-powered spectro-dynamic compressor designed to enhance your music production process with advanced spectral compression and dynamic shaping capabilities. With its automatic parametrization and sidechain ducking abilities, Smart:comp 2 offers clean, well-balanced compression that remains true to your input signal.


Users have praised Smart:comp 2 for its transparency and almost inaudible compression. Its AI features and automatic signal compression provide richer, more present, and direct results, making it an invaluable asset for mix and mastering engineers as well as recording professionals.


Smart:comp 2 is packed with AI-powered features that enable you to shape the dynamics of your tracks with precision. Its style dial and color dial allow you to gradually adjust the compressor's character, while the free-form transfer function and mid/side processing offer sophisticated level mapping and fine-tuned temporal attack and release behavior.


Smart:comp 2 is available as a plug-in in various formats for both Mac and Windows platforms, supporting sample rates from 44.1 kHz to 192 kHz. It offers machine-based or iLok authorization and is compatible with popular DAWs, providing seamless integration into your workflow.


Sonible Smart:comp 2 delivers a content-aware processing system based on deep learning technology and extensive mixing experience, allowing you to quickly achieve precise compression results while maintaining the integrity of your original material. Its real-time monitoring elements and instant impact prediction provide a smooth and intuitive compression experience for both professionals and aspiring talents.