SmartRec - Best Candidate Tracking System: Reviews and Features

SmartRec is a cutting-edge candidate tracking system that offers an intuitive and efficient way to manage your recruitment processes. From customizable access rights to seamless collaboration, SmartRec is designed for modern businesses.

With its cloud-based accessibility and user-friendly interface, SmartRec streamlines candidate management and simplifies the recruitment journey for both employers and candidates.

  • Intuitive and user-friendly interface for easy candidate management
  • Customizable access rights and user roles for efficient team collaboration
  • Cloud-based platform accessible on both desktop and mobile devices for flexibility and convenience

SmartRec Screenshot


SmartRec offers flexible pricing options to cater to the needs of various businesses. The subscription model allows for scalability and cost-effectiveness.


Users praise SmartRec for its robust features and seamless candidate tracking capabilities. The platform has received positive feedback for its user-friendly interface and reliable performance.


SmartRec boasts a comprehensive set of features, including role and access rights management, synchronized communication and calendar integration, and centralized candidate approval and hiring process.


SmartRec stands out for its efficient candidate pipeline management, automated communication with candidates, and personalized job descriptions tailored to the employer's brand image.


SmartRec seamlessly integrates with various communication and collaboration tools, ensuring a smooth and streamlined recruitment process.