SEOptimer: Best Robots.txt Generator - Reviews, Features & Pricing

SEOptimer's robots.txt generator provides an easy-to-use interface for specifying crawl-delay periods and bot preferences, making it a valuable tool for controlling search engine crawler traffic effectively.

  • Easy-to-use interface for generating robots.txt file
  • Ability to set crawl-delay period and specify allowed/refused bots
  • Helps in controlling search engine crawler traffic effectively

SEOptimer Screenshot


SEOptimer offers a user-friendly interface for generating a robots.txt file. You can set a crawl-delay period and specify which bots are allowed or refused to crawl your site.


Users appreciate the clean interface and the flexibility provided by SEOptimer's robots.txt generator. The ease of specifying bot preferences and setting crawl-delay is a big plus.


SEOptimer's robots.txt generator allows users to set crawl-delay periods and specify which bots are allowed or refused to crawl the site. The tool provides a comprehensive solution for controlling search engine crawler traffic effectively.


SEOptimer's robots.txt generator offers a simple and effective way to manage search engine crawler traffic. With its user-friendly interface and essential features, it's a valuable tool for website owners looking to optimize their robots.txt file.