SAS Information Governance: Reviews, Features, and Pricing | Data Management Tool

SAS Information Governance provides an advanced data governance solution for businesses, offering comprehensive data understanding, automated data profiling, and full visibility into data lineage. With its powerful features, SAS Information Governance empowers organizations to achieve regulatory compliance and maximize the value of their data assets.

  • Advanced data catalog and business glossary for comprehensive data understanding
  • Automated data profiling to ensure data quality and usability
  • Data lineage analysis for full visibility and compliance with regulatory requirements

SAS Information Governance Screenshot


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Learn about the advanced features of SAS Information Governance that empower organizations to govern, protect, and maximize the value of their data assets.


Dive into the specific capabilities of SAS Information Governance and how they address common data governance challenges faced by businesses today.

Use Cases

Discover real-world examples of how businesses are leveraging SAS Information Governance to achieve their data management and compliance goals.