Rukket Sports SPDR Portable Driving Range - Reviews & Features 2023

The Rukket Sports SPDR Portable Driving Range offers a heavy-duty, portable, and versatile solution for golf practice. It includes a ball return feature and is designed to catch shots hit from every club in the bag, making it an ideal choice for golfers of all levels.

  • Portable and easy to set up
  • Commercial grade net for professional practice
  • Includes ball return feature for single ball practice

Rukket Sports SPDR Portable Driving Range Screenshot


The Rukket Sports SPDR Portable Driving Range is priced at $319.99, providing a versatile and practical golf net for professionals and enthusiasts alike.


The SPDR Portable Driving Range has received positive feedback for its durability, portability, and functionality. Golfers appreciate the convenience of practicing with real golf balls and the instant setup.


Featuring a 10ft x 7ft net, the Rukket Sports SPDR Portable Driving Range is a heavy-duty folding metal frame that stays on without the need for removal each time it is packed away. It includes a free side barrier protective wings and a tri-turf mat, making it a comprehensive practice tool.


Designed to catch shots hit from every club in the bag, this portable driving range is suitable for a wide range of practice needs. Its commercial-grade construction and ball return feature make it an ideal choice for dedicated golfers looking to improve their game.


Golfers have experienced a significant improvement in their practice routine with the Rukket Sports SPDR Portable Driving Range. The convenience of using real golf balls and the rugged build of the net have contributed to a more effective and enjoyable training experience.