Rukket Sports Pathfinder Impact Mat™ - Reviews, Prices & Features

The Rukket Sports Pathfinder Impact Mat™ offers real-time feedback on ball flight, helps improve club face alignment, and provides a versatile training experience for golfers looking to enhance their game. Its competitive price, positive reviews, comprehensive features, and user-friendly design make it a valuable addition to any golfer's toolkit.

  • Provides real-time data on ball flight for immediate feedback
  • Helps improve club face alignment and clean contact with the ball
  • Versatile swing path trainer for practicing straight, draw, or fade shots

Rukket Sports Pathfinder Impact Mat™ Screenshot


The Rukket Sports Pathfinder Impact Mat™ is available at a competitive price, offering outstanding value for golfers looking to improve their game.


Players of all abilities have praised the impact mat's ability to provide instant feedback and help correct common swing problems. Its versatility and user-friendly design make it a must-have for any golfer.


Featuring a 2-in-1 impact mat and swing path trainer, the Rukket Sports Pathfinder Impact Mat™ helps golfers quickly identify and correct swing issues. It's a valuable tool for refining club face alignment and swing plane, making it an essential addition to any golfer's training arsenal.


With the ability to track ball flight, improve swing path, and enhance club face alignment, the Rukket Sports Pathfinder Impact Mat™ offers comprehensive functionality to help golfers enhance their performance on the course.


Built for usability, this impact mat is suitable for golfers of all levels and works with every club in the bag. Its compact and portable design allows for convenient practice sessions anywhere, ensuring golfers can elevate their game with ease.