RSA NetWitness Platform - Reviews, Features & Pricing

RSA NetWitness Platform offers advanced threat detection, real-time alerts, and comprehensive monitoring of your entire IT infrastructure, ensuring complete security for your business. With customizable pricing options, it provides value for businesses of all sizes.

Integrating RSA NetWitness Platform into your cyber security strategy can revolutionize your ability to detect and respond to potential threats, providing an efficient and effective solution for modern businesses.

  • Advanced threat detection using analytics and machine learning
  • Real-time alerts and customizable dashboards for quick response
  • Comprehensive monitoring of entire IT infrastructure for complete security

RSA NetWitness Platform Screenshot


When it comes to investing in a robust threat detection tool like RSA NetWitness Platform, the value it brings to your cyber security strategy outweighs the cost. With customizable pricing options, it ensures that businesses of all sizes can benefit from its advanced features.


Customers who have integrated RSA NetWitness Platform into their security operations have reported a significant improvement in their ability to detect and respond to potential threats. The combination of advanced analytics and real-time alerts has garnered positive feedback for its efficiency and effectiveness.


With a focus on providing comprehensive threat detection, RSA NetWitness Platform offers advanced analytics, machine learning capabilities, and customizable dashboards. Its ability to monitor the entire IT infrastructure and provide real-time alerts sets it apart in the realm of cybersecurity tools.


The functionality of RSA NetWitness Platform goes beyond traditional threat detection. It enables security teams to stay ahead of potential cyber threats with its advanced analytics, machine learning, and customizable dashboards. The comprehensive monitoring capabilities ensure that businesses can fear nothing when it comes to cyber security.

Security Measures

When it comes to safeguarding your assets and protecting your business from potential harm, RSA NetWitness Platform stands out as a comprehensive security measure. Its unrivaled visibility, improved analyst productivity, and advanced threat detection capabilities provide the necessary security blanket for businesses in today's digital age.