Price Edge Reviews 2024: The Dream Pricing Software

Price Edge is a highly flexible cloud-based software that offers powerful AI-driven price optimizations, seamless system integration, and sophisticated price analytics. Trusted by global businesses, Price Edge makes pricing as smooth and easy as possible, enabling businesses to create, manage, and rearrange any pricing strategy with ease.

With a competent team, industry experience, and a library of best practice pricing strategies, Price Edge helps businesses optimize their pricing using powerful AI-driven tools and transparent, rule-based pricing logic.

  • AI-driven pricing optimizations
  • Cloud-based and highly flexible
  • Powerful price analytics
  • Trusted by global businesses

Price Edge Screenshot


Price Edge offers a highly flexible cloud-based software that enables the creation, management, and rearrangement of any pricing strategy with ease. It provides a library of best practice pricing strategies and allows the creation of custom rules.


Customers praise Price Edge for its competence in parts pricing and its support for mid-size companies, with a competent team and industry experience that sets it apart from other pricing experts.


With Price Edge, businesses can leverage AI-driven price optimizations, automatic or manual approvals, and easy system integration using a REST API. The software also empowers users with powerful price analytics and the ability to simulate the effect of implementing new prices.


Price Edge is designed to optimize e-commerce pricing through a proprietary AI-engine, automate price calculations, suggest new prices, and facilitate effortless price management. The platform helps users move information seamlessly between systems and provides transparent, rule-based pricing logic.


Price Edge offers a flexible and fast-acting pricing system that manages thousands of prices on multiple lists. It supports planned pricing actions of different scales and provides easy-to-use tools with virtually endless possibilities for daily pricing work.