Polaris ILS Reviews, Pricing & Features 2024

Polaris ILS offers a streamlined circulation and cataloging experience, with a responsive web client for remote staff operations. It integrates seamlessly with e-content and provides robust reporting capabilities through SimplyReports, ensuring an efficient and user-friendly library management solution.

Optimize your library operations with Polaris ILS, designed to enhance patron services while reducing overhead and improving staff workflows.

  • Streamlined circulation and cataloging processes
  • Responsive web client for remote staff operations
  • Integration with e-content for enhanced patron experience
  • Robust reporting capabilities with SimplyReports

Polaris ILS Screenshot


Details about the pricing structure and options for Polaris ILS. Contact sales for specific pricing information tailored to your library's needs.


Explore the experiences and testimonials from library staff who have utilized Polaris ILS for their management needs.


Discover the extensive features of Polaris ILS, including circulation, cataloging, e-content integration, and reporting capabilities.


Learn about the interoperability of Polaris ILS with third-party vendors, social media, and external resources, enhancing its functionality and adaptability.

Support & Training

Find out about the support and training options available for implementing and optimizing Polaris ILS within your library system.