PDF Expert - Mac/iPhone/iPad PDF Measure Tool: Reviews and Features 2024

PDF Expert is the ultimate PDF measurement tool for Mac, iPhone, and iPad, offering precise measurement features, AI integration, and advanced annotation capabilities to streamline your PDF workflow.

Accurately measure dimensions, customize scales, and leverage AI tools to enhance your PDF editing and annotation experience with PDF Expert.

  • Accurately measure distance, area, and perimeter of objects in PDF
  • Customize scale ratio to understand data in real-world dimensions
  • AI tool for summarizing, translating, writing, and more

PDF Expert - Mac/iPhone/iPad PDF Measure Tool Screenshot


PDF Expert provides a comprehensive PDF measurement solution at a competitive price, offering a wide range of features.


Customers have praised PDF Expert for its intuitive design, ease of use, and ability to accurately measure PDF dimensions. It has been lauded as a go-to tool for architects, engineers, and designers.


PDF Expert stands out for its advanced features, including measurement tools, annotation capabilities, and AI integration. It offers a seamless experience for editing, annotating, and measuring PDFs across Mac, iPhone, and iPad.

User Experience

Users have reported a positive experience with PDF Expert, citing its efficiency, convenience, and potential to replace multiple industry-specific apps with its comprehensive set of tools.


With PDF Expert, users can measure, annotate, and edit PDF documents effortlessly, streamlining their workflows and enhancing productivity.