Otter - Reviews, Pricing, Features 2024 | AI Transcription App

Otter is an AI-powered transcription app that offers real-time transcription, accurate voice recognition, and seamless integration with video conferencing platforms. With its advanced features, Otter streamlines workflow and enhances productivity for businesses and independent professionals.

  • Real-time transcription of meetings and conversations
  • Integration with Zoom and Microsoft Teams
  • Accurate voice recognition and speaker identification

Otter Screenshot


Learn about the pricing options for Otter, including free and premium plans suited for different business needs.


Discover what users are saying about Otter, including its impact on productivity, accuracy, and ease of use.


Explore the key features of Otter, such as AI-based transcription, collaboration tools, and customizations for specific use cases.

Comparison with Other Tools

Understand how Otter stands out from other transcription and collaboration tools available in the market.

Use Cases

Uncover the diverse ways in which Otter can be used to enhance productivity, streamline workflows, and improve communication within your organization.