Optix Review: Top Features, Pricing & User Feedback

Optix is a comprehensive coworking management tool designed to streamline space operations, enhance member experiences, and optimize workspace management. With robust geolocation features, intuitive member management capabilities, and comprehensive analytics tools, Optix delivers a seamless and efficient solution for coworking spaces of all sizes.

Discover the power of Optix and elevate your coworking space to new heights with advanced features, flexible pricing, and a user-friendly interface that sets the standard for modern workspace management.

  • Robust geolocation and space management features
  • Intuitive member management and billing capabilities
  • Comprehensive analytics and reporting tools

Optix Screenshot


Optix offers flexible pricing plans tailored to the needs of coworking spaces, providing cost-effective solutions for businesses of all sizes.


Users praise Optix for its user-friendly interface, seamless member management, and efficient billing system, making it a valuable asset for coworking spaces.


Optix boasts a wide range of features, including geolocation services, member onboarding tools, and customizable analytics dashboards, empowering coworking spaces to streamline operations and enhance member experiences.


With its robust functionality, Optix simplifies the management of coworking spaces, offering a seamless experience for both administrators and members. The platform's intuitive interface and powerful tools make it a top choice for businesses looking to optimize their coworking environment.


Optix is designed for easy integration and usability, with a focus on providing a seamless experience for both administrators and members. Its user-friendly interface and comprehensive feature set contribute to its widespread appeal among coworking spaces.