OpenTable Reviews: Best Restaurant Management Software

OpenTable is a leading platform for restaurant owners and operators, offering a user-friendly interface and comprehensive reservation management system. With robust marketing and loyalty features, it's suitable for businesses of all sizes.

Discover how OpenTable can streamline and enhance your restaurant operations, from booking to customer engagement, and improve overall efficiency and satisfaction.

  • User-friendly interface for easy booking and management
  • Robust marketing and loyalty program features for customer engagement
  • Comprehensive reservation system suitable for restaurants of all sizes

OpenTable Screenshot


OpenTable offers flexible pricing plans to suit varying business needs, with options for both small eateries and larger establishments.


Discover what restaurant owners and managers have to say about their experiences with OpenTable's platform. Read real-life stories of how it has improved their operations and customer satisfaction.


Explore the extensive range of features offered by OpenTable, including reservation management, table tracking, and customer relationship management tools.


Learn about the seamless integration options available to connect OpenTable with other essential restaurant management tools, such as POS systems and marketing platforms.


Find out about the dedicated support and training resources provided to ensure a smooth implementation and ongoing use of OpenTable's software.