Secure Document Sharing with OnlyOffice - Reviews, Pricing, Features

OnlyOffice DocSpace is a secure, open-source platform that offers advanced document collaboration features, compliance with data privacy regulations, and flexible access permissions for secure file sharing.

With customizable pricing plans, OnlyOffice DocSpace is ideal for businesses looking for a secure document sharing solution.

  • Advanced document collaboration during Zoom meetings
  • Compliance with GDPR and HIPAA regulations
  • Flexible access permissions and encryption for secure data sharing

OnlyOffice Screenshot


OnlyOffice DocSpace offers flexible pricing plans tailored to the needs of businesses. The Business plan starts at $15 per administrator/advanced user.


Users appreciate the seamless integration with Zoom, advanced security features, and the ease of managing permissions for secure document sharing.


ONLYOFFICE DocSpace provides secure, open-source document storage and editing, with customizable access roles, compliance with data privacy standards, and real-time collaborative functions.