OneTrust Data Governance - Reviews, Features, Pricing

OneTrust Data Governance provides automated data discovery and classification, an integrated data catalog, and collaborative workflows to streamline the governance processes. With more than 500 pre-built connectors and robust data stewardship functions, this tool offers a comprehensive solution for effective data management and governance.

Businesses across various industries have relied on OneTrust Data Governance to ensure data integrity, compliance, and streamlined governance processes. The tool's versatility and seamless integration make it a valuable asset for organizations seeking to enhance their data governance strategies.

  • Automated data discovery and classification using AI-driven technology
  • Integrated data catalog for efficient data management
  • Data governance policy management with more than 500 pre-built connectors
  • Collaborative workflows and data stewardship functions for streamlined governance processes

OneTrust Data Governance Screenshot


OneTrust Data Governance offers flexible pricing plans to cater to the diverse needs of businesses. Contact the sales team for a customized quote based on your specific requirements.


Users praise OneTrust Data Governance for its intuitive interface and robust features that simplify the complexities of data governance. The AI-driven data discovery and classification capabilities have received positive feedback for their accuracy and efficiency, while the collaborative workflows and data stewardship functions have been lauded for streamlining the governance processes.


OneTrust Data Governance boasts a comprehensive set of features, including automated data discovery and classification, integrated data catalog, and more than 500 pre-built connectors. The collaborative workflows and data stewardship functions further enhance the governance processes, providing organizations with a powerful tool to manage their data effectively.

Use Cases

Businesses across various industries, including finance, healthcare, and technology, have leveraged OneTrust Data Governance to streamline their data governance processes, ensure data integrity, and comply with regulatory requirements. The tool's versatility and scalability make it suitable for organizations of all sizes.


OneTrust Data Governance seamlessly integrates with a wide range of data management and analytics tools, offering enhanced capabilities for organizations looking to bolster their data governance strategies. The tool's compatibility with existing infrastructure makes it a valuable addition to any data management ecosystem.