Onalytica Review, Pricing, Alternatives | Marketing Automation Tool

Onalytica is a powerful marketing automation tool that offers comprehensive lead management, campaign tracking, and social media marketing. With seamless integrations and robust analytics, Onalytica helps businesses align marketing and sales activities to drive revenue.

Businesses of all sizes can benefit from Onalytica's user-friendly interface, diverse features, and reliable customer support, making it a top choice for effective marketing automation and CRM.

  • Comprehensive Marketing Automation + CRM tool
  • Helps generate revenue by aligning marketing and sales activities
  • Diverse integrations and API support
  • Provides detailed reporting and analytics

Onalytica Screenshot


Onalytica offers a competitive pricing model that caters to the needs of businesses of all sizes. The pricing is transparent and includes a range of feature-packed plans to choose from.


Users and clients have praised Onalytica for its user-friendly interface, robust features, and excellent customer support. The positive sentiment around the tool reflects its reliability and effectiveness in driving marketing and sales efforts.


Onalytica offers a wide range of features including comprehensive lead management, campaign tracking, social media marketing, analytics, and A/B testing. The tool also provides seamless integration with popular platforms such as WordPress, Zapier, and GoToWebinar, enhancing productivity and workflow.

Integrations & API

Onalytica seamlessly integrates with over 7 software platforms, facilitating data exchange, workflow improvement, and productivity gains. The platform's compatibility with different operating systems and devices ensures accessibility and ease of use for users.


Onalytica has garnered positive feedback from users and businesses alike for its ease of use, comprehensive features, and significant impact on marketing and sales efforts. The tool's market share and client references showcase its widespread adoption and reliability in the industry.